Säveltäjä - Composer: Iiro Rantala
Cantores Minores
Anu Komsi, Maria (sopraano - soprano)
Mika Pohjonen, Kertoja - Narrator (tenori - tenor)
Kuorosolistit - Choir soloists:
Enkeli - Angel: Joonatan Pylkkönen, poikasopraano - boy soprano
Joosef- Joseph: Veikko Vallinoja, baritoni - baritone
Leijona - Lion: Jordan Saavalainen, basso - bass
Kettu - Fox: Tuomas Norjanen, Niilo Erkkilä, Johan Krogius; tenori - tenor
Härkä ja Aasi - Ox and Donkey: Hiski Wallenius ja Mooses Kuloniemi, poika-altto - boy alto, Johan Krogius, tenori - tenor
Ensimmäinen tietäjä - First wise man: Niilo Erkkilä, tenori - tenor
Toinen tietäjä - Second wise man: Tuomas Norjanen, tenori - tenor
Kolmas tietäjä - Third wise man: Johan Krogius, tenori - tenor
Tiksola Co. (konserttimestari - Concert Master: Minna Pensola)
Hannu Norjanen, kapellimestari - Conductor
Tuottaja ja miksaus - Producer and Mixing: Ingo Petry
Aputuottaja - Co-Producer: Jaakko Kuusisto
Masterointi - Balance Engineer and Mastering: Thore Brinkmann
A Take5 Music Production
Cover and Layout: Toivo Heinimäki
Äänitetty 13.-14.5.2013 Olarin kirkko - Recorded on May 13-14, 2013 Olari Church, Espoo
FUGA-9360; Digipack-kannet; kesto 63:03 - Digipack cover; duration 63:03
ISRC Codes: FI LIV 13 00001-13 00010
Suositus-OVH 20 €
Tuottajat - Producers: Liverace Oy ja/and Cantores Minores -kannatusyhdistys ry.
Anu Komsi, Maria (sopraano - soprano)
Mika Pohjonen, Kertoja - Narrator (tenori - tenor)
Kuorosolistit - Choir soloists:
Enkeli - Angel: Joonatan Pylkkönen, poikasopraano - boy soprano
Joosef- Joseph: Veikko Vallinoja, baritoni - baritone
Leijona - Lion: Jordan Saavalainen, basso - bass
Kettu - Fox: Tuomas Norjanen, Niilo Erkkilä, Johan Krogius; tenori - tenor
Härkä ja Aasi - Ox and Donkey: Hiski Wallenius ja Mooses Kuloniemi, poika-altto - boy alto, Johan Krogius, tenori - tenor
Ensimmäinen tietäjä - First wise man: Niilo Erkkilä, tenori - tenor
Toinen tietäjä - Second wise man: Tuomas Norjanen, tenori - tenor
Kolmas tietäjä - Third wise man: Johan Krogius, tenori - tenor
Tiksola Co. (konserttimestari - Concert Master: Minna Pensola)
Hannu Norjanen, kapellimestari - Conductor
Tuottaja ja miksaus - Producer and Mixing: Ingo Petry
Aputuottaja - Co-Producer: Jaakko Kuusisto
Masterointi - Balance Engineer and Mastering: Thore Brinkmann
A Take5 Music Production
Cover and Layout: Toivo Heinimäki
Äänitetty 13.-14.5.2013 Olarin kirkko - Recorded on May 13-14, 2013 Olari Church, Espoo
FUGA-9360; Digipack-kannet; kesto 63:03 - Digipack cover; duration 63:03
ISRC Codes: FI LIV 13 00001-13 00010
Suositus-OVH 20 €
Tuottajat - Producers: Liverace Oy ja/and Cantores Minores -kannatusyhdistys ry.
Liner notes
When you turn 40 it's time to look back. That explains why The Beatles get so much air play today. I guess this hunger for nostalgia is inbuilt in us all.
My nostalgic reaction was an inner desire to work with Cantores Minores boys' choir, where I started my musical career as a six year old boy soprano in 1976.
I wanted to write a new piece for them, and now you're holding it in your hands.
I was very lucky to get Jaakko Heinimäki to do the libretto. His text is light, playful, funny and was very inspirational to me as composer. I was also very lucky to get Tiksola&Co committed to this project. They play absolutely brilliantly on the classical side but are also very groovy with the rythm music elements I have included in the score.
Mika Pohjonen and Anu Komsi were my first choices for soloists and they sound just perfect.
A composer explaining his music verbally is sometimes painful to read. Sometimes very comical too. I will spare you that. The only thing I want to say is that my goal was to write music that feels natural for boys to sing. Something they could relate to. Elements from classical music, rythm music, melodic and beautiful. That doesn't mean it's easy to sing!
I assume Jouluoratorio has been a different experience for the choir and by the looks on their faces, a very pleasant one too. Hooray for Cantores Minores and conductor Hannu Norjanen!!
My nostalgic reaction was an inner desire to work with Cantores Minores boys' choir, where I started my musical career as a six year old boy soprano in 1976.
I wanted to write a new piece for them, and now you're holding it in your hands.
I was very lucky to get Jaakko Heinimäki to do the libretto. His text is light, playful, funny and was very inspirational to me as composer. I was also very lucky to get Tiksola&Co committed to this project. They play absolutely brilliantly on the classical side but are also very groovy with the rythm music elements I have included in the score.
Mika Pohjonen and Anu Komsi were my first choices for soloists and they sound just perfect.
A composer explaining his music verbally is sometimes painful to read. Sometimes very comical too. I will spare you that. The only thing I want to say is that my goal was to write music that feels natural for boys to sing. Something they could relate to. Elements from classical music, rythm music, melodic and beautiful. That doesn't mean it's easy to sing!
I assume Jouluoratorio has been a different experience for the choir and by the looks on their faces, a very pleasant one too. Hooray for Cantores Minores and conductor Hannu Norjanen!!